Korean Institute of Information Technology
[ Article ]
The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology - Vol. 21, No. 7, pp.31-37
ISSN: 1598-8619 (Print) 2093-7571 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Jul 2023
Received 16 Jun 2023 Revised 11 Jul 2023 Accepted 14 Jul 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14801/jkiit.2023.21.7.31

A Hierarchical Stability Criterion for Time-Delay Systems based on the Affine Bessel-Legendre Inequality

Bum Yong Park* ; JaeWook Shin** ; Won Il Lee**
*Department of IT Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
**School of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Correspondence to: Won Il Lee School of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology Tel.: +82-54-478-7429, Email: wilee@kumoh.ac.kr


Recently, the affine Bessel-Legendre(BL) inequality has been presented for a stability analysis of linear systems with time-varying delays. If the degree of the inequality increases, much less conservative stability conditions can be derived but an appropriate design of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and its treatment should be followed. This paper proposes a hierarchical stability criterion of time-delay systems along with the degree of the affine BL inequality based on a novel generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. With the help of the proposed approach, the stability criteria for various degrees of the inequality can easily be obtained. A numerical example shows the generality and the efficiency of the proposed approach.


최근 시간 지연 시스템의 안정성 해석을 위해 affine Bessel-Legendre(BL) 부등식이 제안되었다. 제안된 부등식의 차수를 높일수록 더 큰 시간 지연에 대해 안정성을 판별할 수 있는 보다 덜 보수적인 시간 지연 시스템의 안정성 조건을 얻을 수 있지만, 이를 위해서는 차수의 변경에 따른 새로운 Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional의 설계와 이를 처리하기 위한 기법이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 affine BL 부등식의 차수에 따른 일반화 된 Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional과, 이에 기반한 일반화 된 시간 지연 시스템의 안정성 조건을 제안한다. 제안하는 방법을 활용하면 다양한 부등식의 차수에 따른 안정성 조건을 보다 쉽게 구할 수 있다. 수치 예제의 결과를 통해 제안하는 방법의 일반성과 효율성을 입증한다.


time-delay systems, stability analysis, integral inequality, lyapunov-krasovkii functionals, linear matrix inequalities

Ⅰ. Introduction

Time-delays exist in various practical systems such as mechanical systems, remote control systems, cyber-physical systems, and networked control systems, and they often lead to the degradation of performance, oscillation or even instability of the system[1]. Therefore, the stability analysis of systems with time delays has attracted a lot of attention and numerous researches have been investigated in the past few decades[2]-[14].

When deriving the negativity condition of the time-derivative of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for stability anlaysis of delayed systems, it is important to estimate bounds of the integral terms therein using integral inequalities. To solve the problem, various integral inequalities have been provided in the literature such as Jensen’s inequality[2], Wirtinger-based inequality[3], auxiliary function based integral inequalities[4], Bessel-Legendre(BL) inequality[5], free-matrix-based integral inequalities[6]-[8], and affine BL inequality[9]. Especially, in [9], effective stability criteria have been obtained via the affine BL inequality with the certain degrees(N = 1, 2). It is mentioned that if the degree N of the affine BL inequality increases, much more precise bounds of the quadratic integral function can be obtained, but to achieve this, the appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals should be designed along with the degree N[9]. On the other hand, in [10], the design method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals with an arbitrary degree N of the new integral inequality has been proposed. By utilizing the proposed Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, hierarchical stability conditions of delayed systems have been obtained.

In this paper, with the help of the idea of [10], a new generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with an arbitrary degree N of the affine BL inequality is proposed. Furthermore, hierarchical stability conditions along with the degree N is derived via the proposed Lyapunov-Krasovkii functional. By utilizing the new hierarchical stability conditions, the stability criteria for various degrees of the affine BL inequality can easily be obtained. It is also worth noting that the proposed approach can be applied to derive hierarchical stability criteria based on not only the affine BL inequality but recently proposed integral inequalities[7][8]. A numerical example verifies the generality and the efficiency of the proposed stability conditions.

Notations. Throughout the paper, Rn denotes the n-dimensional Euclidean space. In, 0n, and 0m × n mean n × n identity matrix, n × n zero matrix and m × n zero matrix, respectively. [X]m × n denotes that X is a m × n matrix with its (i, j)-th component Xij. The notation He (A) and col{x1,x2, ⋯, xn} stand for A+AT and x1T,x2T,,xnTT, respectively. X>0(X≥0) represents that X is a real symmetric positive definite(positive semidefinite) matrix, and ⊗ represents a Kronecker product.

Ⅱ. Problem Formulation and Preliminaries

The following linear system with a time-varying delay is considered:

x˙t=Axt+Adxt-ht,xt=ϕt, t-h,0(1) 

where 0hth,μ1h˙tμ2<1,h-t=1-h˙t and ϕ(t) is the initial condition.

To end this section, we quote two lemmas needed to acquire our main results.

Lemma 1 [9]. Let xsRn be a continuously differentiable function for s ∈ [a,b]. For a positive definite matrix R = RT > 0, any matrix X, and any integer N ≥ 0, the following inequality holds:



ΘX=XHN+HNTXT-b-aXR-XT,HN=ΓNT0ΓNT1ΓNTNT,R-=diagR-1, 13R-1, , 12N+1R-1, ξN=xTbxTa 1b-aΩ0T  1b-aΩN-1TT, ΓNk=I-1k+1IγNk0IγNkN-1I,Ωk=abLksxsds,γNki=-2i+11--1k+i,if ik,0,if ik+1,Lku=-1kl=0k-1lklk+llu-ab-al

Lemma 2 [10]. For any integer i ≥ 0, let x be an integrable function in a,bRn. Then, we have

Iia,b=i+1b-aabr-ab-aixrdr=i+1!b-ai+1r0br1bribxri+1dri+1  dr1

where r0 = a.

Remark 1. The affine BL inequality in Lemma 1 has successfully removed the reciprocal convexity, which makes it more difficult to derive the stability criterion, arose from the BL inequality. Note that increasing the degree N can give less conservative stability results, but the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional also should be newly designed. Fortunately in [9], the method for designing Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with a given degree N has been described but it is still not easy to derive the new stability condition based on the new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional whenever the degree N changes, which is the motivation of our work.

Ⅲ. Proposed Hierarchical Stability Criterion

This section proposes a hierarchical stability criterion of time-delay systems along with the degree of the affine BL inequality (2) based on a new generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. The following theorem is obtained by utilizing Lemmas 1 and 2.

Theorem 1. For given scalars h > 0 and μ1 < μ2 < 1, the system (1) is asymptotically stable if there exist positive definite matrices P3+2Nn×3+2Nn, and Q4n×4n, S4n×4n, Rn×n, and any matrices X12+Nn×1+Nn, and X22+Nn×1+Nn satisfying the following condition for i, j = 1,2:



EN1=cole6,e7,,e6+N-1,EN2=cole6+N,e6+N+1,,e6+2N-1, RN=diag{R, 3R, , 1+2NR}, G0h˙t=cole0,h-te4, e5, e1-h-te2,G0N1h˙t, h-te2-e3, G0N2h˙t,G0N1h˙t=col2e1-h-te6-e7, le1-h-te4+l-l-1e5+l, l2,N,G0N2h˙t=col2h-te2-e6+N-e7+N, lh-te2-e4+N+l-l-1e5+N+l, l2,N,G1ht=cole1, e2, e3, htG1N1,h-htG1N2, G1N1=cole6, e7,  , e6+l, l0,N-1,G1N2=cole6+N, e7+N,  , e6+N+l, l0,N-1,G2=cole1, e0, 0n×5+2Nn, e1-e3, G3=cole2, e4, e1-e2, e2-e3,G4=cole3, e5, e1-e3, 0n×5+2Nn, Ωht=Hehte6TQ13e0-Q14e5  +e1-e2TQ23e0-Q24e5  +hte1-e6TQ33e0-Q34e5  +hte6-e3TTQ43e0-Q44e5  +h-hte6+NTS13e0-S14e5  +e2-e3TS23e0-S24e5  +h-hte1-e6+NTS33e0-S34e5  +h-hte6+N-e3TS43e0-S44e5,h1=0,h2=h,e0=Ae1+Ade2

and elRn×5+2Nn for an positive integer l ∈ [1,5+2N] are elementary matrices, for example e3=0n×2nIn0n×2+2Nn

Proof. Consider the generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with the arbitrary degree N of the inequality in Lemma 1 such that



η1Nt=colxt, xt-ht, xt-h, htNt-ht,t, h-htNt-h,t-ht, η2s=

The time derivative of (4) can be computed as follows:




After dividing the range [t-h, t] of the integral term in V˙t into two ranges [t-h, t-h(t)] and [t-h(t), t], applying Lemma 1 to the resulting two integral terms gives




Combining (5) into V˙t yields


Note that the condition Φht,h˙t-Ψht<0 is affine with respect to h(t) and h˙t, thus if the condition is satisfied at the vertices of the polyhedral set, i.e., 0,μ1,h,μ1,0,μ2,h,μ2, the negativity of V˙t is ensured for all ht,h˙t0,h×μ1,μ2. Also, by utilizing Schur complement, the negativity condition Φht,h˙t-Ψht<0 can be represented as a tractable form of LMIs in (3), which ends the proof.

Remark 2. With the help of the approaches in [10], in Theorem 1, the hierarchical stability criterion is obtained via the generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional in (4) with an arbitrary degree N of the affine BL inequality in Lemma 1. When increasing the degree of the inequality in Lemma 1, η1Nt in the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional also should be designed appropriately for obtaining a less conservative stability condition. In (4), η1Nt is appropriately designed along with an arbitrary degree N, and from the definition of Ii(a,b) in Lemma 2, its time derivative is calculated by utilizing the following derivation:

ddthtIit-ht,t   =i+1xt-h-tIi-1-ih˙tIi,ddth-htIit-h,t-ht   =i+1h-txt-ht-Ii-1+ih˙tIi

where I-1 (a,b) = x(a)

Remark 3. In [9], it is difficult to generalize the stability conditions since it is difficult to find the relation between ξN(t) that comes from the inequality in Lemma 1 and the augmented state vector ξ(t) when the degree N of the inequality is changed. It is worth noting that, in Theorem 1, with the help of introducing the matrices ΠNi such that

ΠNiξt=HNξNit, i1,2

where ξNit are ξNt in Lemma 1 for the intervals [t-h(t), t] and [t-h, t-h(t)], the upper bounds in (5) and (6) can be easily derived as the quadratic form of ξ(t) in (6), which successfully yields the hierarchical stability conditions.

Ⅳ. Numerical Example

This section verifies the generality and the efficiency of the proposed result by carrying out the well-known numerical example[2].

Example 1. Consider the delayed system (1) with

A=-, Ad=-1.00.0-1.0-1.0

where μ2 = -μ1. For various μ1 and μ2, Table 1 shows the allowable upper bounds of h(t) that guarantee the asymptotic stability of the system and the number of variables(Nv). When the degree N of the inequality increases, the number of variables of Theorem 1 also increases since the dimension of matrices P, X1 and X2 increases, and it can be computed by (4N2+12N+25)n2+(N+6)n.

Allowable upper bounds h for different (μ1,μ2)

From Table 1, it can be seen that Theorem 1 yields larger allowable upper bounds h for most cases compared to stability results in the literature. Only where N = 1, Theorem 1 is more conservative than the criterion in [14], but it becomes less conservative where N ≥ 2 both in terms of the performance and the computational complexity. It is worth noting that Theorem 1 successfully yields larger allowable upper bounds h as the degree N of the inequality in Lemma 1 increases, which proves the generality and the effectiveness of Theorem 1.

Remark 4. Note that some recent research also have provided stability criteria with certain degree of the newly proposed inequality such as a generalized free-matrix-based integral inequality(GFMBII)[7] and a generalized integral inequality based on free matrices(GIIBFM)[8]. The proposed approaches in Theorem 1 can be applied to derive hierarchical stability criteria based on those newly proposed integral inequality, which will be our future research direction.

Ⅴ. Conclusion

This paper proposed the hierarchical stability criterion for linear systems with a time-varying delay based on the affine BL inequality. The generalized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with an arbitrary degree N of the inequality was designed, and its time-derivative was successfully dealt with to obtain stability conditions as a tractable form of LMIs. Since it is hierarchical condition, increasing the degree N of the inequality gives much less conservative results, which is clearly verified by the numerical example. It would be an interesting subject for future research to apply the proposed approach to recent results based on the new integral inequalities with few additional number of variables.


This research was supported by Kumoh National Institute of Technology(202003680001)


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Bum Yong Park

2015 : PhD, Pohang University of Science and Technology

2015 ~ 2017 : Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics

2017 ~ present : Assistant Professor, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Research interests : Robust Control, Signal Processing for Embedded Control Systems, Robot Manipulator Systems

JaeWook Shin

2014 : PhD, Pohang University of Science and Technology

2014 ~ 2016 : Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics

2017 ~ 2021 : Assistant Professor, Soonchunhyang University

2021 ~ present : Assistant Professor, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Research interests : Signal Processing, Adaptive Filter, Artificial Intelligence

Won Il Lee

2017 : PhD, Pohang University of Science and Technology

2017 ~ 2020 : Senior Engineer, Samsung Display

2020 ~ present : Assistant Professor, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Research interests : Delayed System, Robust Control, Artificial Intelligence

Table 1.

Allowable upper bounds h for different (μ1,μ2)

μ2(=-μ1) 0.1 0.5 0.8 Nv
[11] 3.65 2.33 1.93 3n2 + 2n
[12] 4.79 2.68 1.95 22n2 + 8n
[3] 4.70 2.42 2.13 10n2 + 3n
[6] 4.78 3.05 2.61 65n2 + 11n
[13] 4.71 2.60 2.37 23n2 + 4n
[14] 4.83 3.14 2.71 142n2 + 18n
Theorem 1 (N = 1) 4.81 3.10 2.68 41n2 + 7n
Theorem 1 (N = 2) 4.90 3.16 2.73 65n2 + 8n
Theorem 1 (N = 3) 4.90 3.21 2.77 97n2 + 9n
Theorem 1 (N = 4) 4.92 3.22 2.78 137n2 + 10n